If you are preparing your trip to go to St. Maarten / St. Martin, here are informations you should know about the climate. St. Maarten / St. Martin benefits from a tropical climate. This means that December through May is the dry season. In comparison, the rainy season spreads from June through November. The average air temperatures in coastal areas range from 22°C to 30°C (72°F to 86°F) while coastal water temperatures vary between 20°C and 23°C (68°F and 74°F). On the island, temperature remains remarkably stable, with a variation of only 3°C (5°F) year-round. The tradewinds, called alizés, are the origin of this stability, bringing fresh breezes from the northeast.
The seasons in St. Maarten/ St Martin
The dry season is the most popular season among travelers, especially during Christmas, even if this phenomenon is less pronounced than in other Caribbean islands. During Christmas holidays, you may enjoy the Christmas celebrations that are unique. There is a carnival and very festive ceremonies, and all of this in a mesmerizing environment. However, summer is also a nice time to go to St. Maarten / St. Martin as the island is less crowded, (and so are beaches, restaurants or any activities). September is the rainiest month of the year for the island. But please keep in mind that even during the rainy season, rainstorms passes very quickly and sun keeps shining most of the days.
In St. Maarten / St. Martin, hurricanes may occur from June through November, and more particularly in August and September. Nonetheless, it is unusual for one island to face more than one or two hurricane every ten years. However, climate change is suceptible to modify long-term patterns. It is also easy to foresee those events thanks to technology. Yet, some travelers chose to purchase trip cancellation assurance in advance of travel during this season.
The best time to go to St. Maarten/ St Martin
Depending on what you are planning to do during your stay in St. Maarten, the best time to go on the island may change. From May to June, the island is relatively quiet, and temperatures climb into the mid-80’s. Hence, this time is very appropriate if you just want to relax. However, most of the important events that take place in St. Maarten / St. Martin occur during winter and until april (Carnival, Running Night, Harmony Nights,…) or in July and August (the Sea Festival, National Music Celebration Day, SXM Best Weekend,..).
If you plan on diving during your stay, the best months to practice this activity are October to May, although most dive schools run trips year round. In November, the Concordia Cup, a golf course, takes place on the island. This event opposes golfers from the French and the Dutch side.
Therefore, the best time to go to the island will depend on what you want to do, as the island offers a long list of activities: some people may be really interested in the Patrimony Day during September for example.